White Stone’s Wandering Waders Premium Shucked Oysters are a great addition to your grocery list. Their versatility and convenience allow you to make dozens of meals, all without the hassle of shucking oysters. We’ve included some commonly asked questions below so you can plan when to order and be confident in storing and eating your Wandering Waders Premium Shucked Oysters.
How many oysters come in a jar?
All jars contain between 50 and 60 fresh shucked oysters. The oysters are typically 1.5” or longer, ensuring you get meaty, plump oysters in every jar.
How long will they last when opened?
Typically, a jar will last for about a week after opening if properly refrigerated. Just like milk, you can “smell test” a jar to see if the oysters are still good.
How long is an unopened jar good for?
Your oysters are fresh shucked the day they are jarred. The seal of the jar is stamped with an ‘eat by’ date. On average, the oysters are good for 3 weeks from the shucking date.
How can I tell if they’re good?
Just like milk, you can tell if oysters have spoiled by smelling them. If they smell rotten or off, it’s best to throw them out.
Can I freeze them?
Yes! However, DO NOT freeze the jar. Water expands when frozen and the jar will crack or explode. Instead, we recommend using a vacuum sealer or a plastic Ziploc bag with a little water. Place the oysters in a thin layer and freeze.
How should I cook them?
The possibilities are nearly endless! Fry ‘em, smoke ‘em, put ‘em in a stew. Check out the recipes section of our blog for more ideas. We add new recipes almost every month.
Can I eat them raw?
Yes. However, they taste best when cooked and seasoned. The oysters are packed in water, not brine so they won’t have the same salty, umami flavor profile of our White Stone oysters. We recommend ordering White Stones if you want the full oyster flavor experience or plan on eating them raw.
Are they packed in water?
Yes, the oysters are washed and packed in water to reduce shell fragments and grit. This makes them easier to cook with and prevents you from getting nasty shell fragments in your jar.
Have additional questions? Shoot us a message with our chat feature or sending us a message on Facebook or Instagram.
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I really enjoyed them as they are a juicy size and tasty raw.